Thoughts on SEO

Tbh. Sucks balls. Frustrating as hell.

Why do it at all?

Perhaps — the approach needs to be different.

Instead of “doing SEO” — well you do need to get the basics right and probably understand a bit on the subject to capitalize on it later on so nothing wasted — one should focus on creating “value” whatever the hell value means.

Let’s treat that a little.

The point of SEO is to rank higher on search engines and shit.

There are things that are easy to do:

  • Make sure you’re not blocking robots (although, as an anecdote, letting robots roam free destroyed initially, lol, so it was ranking way higher when robots.txt disallowed all 🤷‍♂️)
  • Make sure the titles and descriptions are set
  • Favicon, meta tags, etc etc

But then. Content? What content? What if you don’t have content?

God forbid, what if you have Writer’s Block?

Sidestory: What is Writer’s Block anyway?

Writer’s block when it comes to SEO is that you know you want to publish shit to drive eyeballs and become an overnight SEO-website-millionaire but your consciense (or what the hell ever, don’t even know how to spell, I’m no bot and lazy af, maybe swap a c for the s there and it’s all good, anyway) just won’t let you write random meaningless CRAP that has NO VALUE WHATSOEVER to ANYONE! THERE IN YOUR FACE WRITERS BLOCK! I just reverse engineered you. So now I can fix you.

In some sense it comes down the age old question: Quantity vs Quality?

Do you publish a lot of subpar crap, or do you only publish absolute gems, polished to the point that no one will ever see them?

One approach is to throw a shit ton of shit at the wall and see what sticks, if any of it. Then pick the stuff(s) that kinda seem to work, and go from there.

And the rest of the crap? Yeah, feel free to clean after yourself. The fact that you published an article and that the INTERNET NEVER FOGETS doesn’t mean that search engines couldn’t. Clean after yourself once you get the hang of it.

Or at least, this is my thinking at the moment. We’ll see.

Backlinks? What backlinks?

I’m not into link swaps. I’m really not into typing away shit either just in the hopes that it would attract eyeballs. So the whole “content operation” is giving me a bad feeling.

But. Is there a better way?

Make sure the basics are there. Make sure you understand, on a general level, how the game plays, whether you’re going to play it or not.

Then — get back to creating value.

See, if websites rank higher as a function of both the amount of links pointing to a site, and as a function of how people interact with a site, and well, keywords and crap present on the page, then it follows that if you create something that people genuinely want to interact with and share and you’ve got the basics about right, then the game should start to play itself. Right?

People would link to you and share your stuff because you are so awesome anything you touch turns to gold 🥰😍🤩😋🤪

Of course, you could try and facilitate that. Add sharing features. Or I could try and do it. Maybe I will. Where was I? Add sharing features. Post your stuff somewhere so people can see it. Make it so good they want to share it. First they need want to use it though, and find it valuable. Bake this shareability in at the idea level. More on that later.

What do you think?

Notes to self

  • Write a post on “value” (and maybe “quality” too!) Interesting subjects. Both of them. Quality and value. And remember to treat quantity and value of quantity as well.

  • Remember, you are the ultimate product and the ultimate project — not in any grandiose sense — and you do stuff, you learn, then you apply what you learned. You learn both about a) what worked (if anything!!1) and b) what didn’t work and what you don’t want to do in the future

  • Treat baking shareability in at the idea level in another post

  • Treat the idea level. The very grassroots level of starting anything new.